Friday, February 1, 2013

No Paper Needed Teacher Observation Form for FREE!

A lot of school districts use a triplicate form for teacher observations, or they pay very good money to a company to do the observations online.  Like most districts, we do not have the dollars to pay for an online observation form but want to move to paperless.  We now have a solution.  We use Google Forms with Google Drive.

Administrators will now have an option to take a laptop pr tablet into a classroom and complete a teacher observation.  There are three large advantages to this.
  1. The administrator completing the observation does not have to fill out paperwork later about what he or she remembered in the classroom.
  2. The observation data is stored in a Google Form spreadsheet that can be sorted and filtered to analyze data, powerful data.
  3. Our process goes one step further.  Upon submission of the observation an email of the data is email to the teacher being observed and administrators (principal, assistant principals, curriculum coach) in the building. 
Below is a video on how to create one for your school.

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