Friday, September 28, 2012

Cute PDF Writer - Solves Printing Problems for Students with No Printer

For educators looking for interactive activities online for their simplicity in its use, and where students do not have to create an account, Read Write Think is the answer.  Read Write Think has many interactive activities students can use from writing to website evaluation.  Two of the best features in my opinion is its simplistic step-by-step directions, and students, plus teachers, do not have to create accounts.

One such tool is its comic creator.  The comic creator has simple instructions, a drop and drag interface, and just enough choices for students.  Yesterday, a group of 10th graders chose this comic creator against other options proving it is acceptable for all grade levels.

There is one major draw back to Read Write Think and other interactive activities where you do not need to create an account.  The draw back is you can't save your work and must print it to have it.  So what do you do when you have a high school where the students are not assigned a printer to the school's laptops and must save their work to a jump drive to print later?  Cute PDF Writer saves the day.

Cute PDF Writer allows you to save any document, web page, etc as a pdf.  Students can now save their work using Cute PDF Writer, create a pdf of their work, and print it later when convenient.  Wait a minute...Didn't I just say Read Write Think and other interactive activities make it impossible to save??  Let me Explain.

To use Cute PDF Writer, use the link and install BOTH the free download and converter.  Saving a pdf version of a document or website is quite easy using Cute PDF Writer.  Click "Print" for the document or web page you want to save.  Cute PDF Writer will now be one of your printer options.  Choose it and save the pdf where you will access it later.

Hopefully you will find your use of interactive sites like Read Write Think as excellent as I have.  For those schools that have limited printing options, tools such as Cute PDF Writer will not create a barrier from using the interactive activities.

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