Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Twitter is “all the rage”…but what is “all the rage” about?

Twitter is “all the rage”…but what is “all the rage” about?  If you are diligent in finding the right folks to follow on Twitter, you will get a Twitter Feed with all kinds of good information, wonderful and enlightening articles, and tools to help in your particular quest.  You can certainly choose to follow those that have “like-mindedness” toward certain subjects. ..thus creating a ProfessionalLearning Network.   Here are some reasons to ue Twitter.

·         First and foremost, Twitter is limited to 140 characters per message and therefore provides messages and information that are short and direct.  This encourages the writer to capture your attention fast and gives you a synopsis to glean the information in the Tweet in a quick scan.

·         Twitter allows you to enter pictures that may further illustrate your post.
·         Professional Interaction can take place outside the walls of your class or school.  A short time  invested to create your Twitter account can pay off big later in the eveniong while in your easy chair. 

·         Connect through Twitter to other learning communities.  Here you will find deeper applications to the educational subject matter you crave.

·         With Twitter, you can be easily transition to an array of multimedia sources (YouTube, dedicated URL’s, Blogs, etc.).

·         The availability of smartphones and tablets with their own network connections, or even over Wi-Fi, allow you connect on the go.  (THAT DOES NOT MEAN WHILE DRIVING.  BE SAFE AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD.)

Happy Tweeting!

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