My Human Resources department asked me to speak with induction teachers(first-year) and their mentors about social media and professionalism at their monthly meeting.
First, I am a huge advocate of using social media in our classrooms for many reasons. However, I also want educators to use it responsibly. Social media in the schools has many benefits including better communication with stakeholders, professional learning networks, a 21st century skill, and teaching students how to interact appropriate online and being good digital citizens including modelling that for them.
I get very irritated when people question the use of social media in the classroom because students do not use it correctly, their grammar is poor, or they will say something inappropriate. In reality, all these "bad" things will happen, but as educators we have the opportunity to turn these instances into learning experiences.
I do understand the need for privacy and security for the students in the classrooms and the differences for each level of schooling (elementary, middle, & high) plus the level of comfort the teacher has. But, I believe the benefits out weigh the risks.
One of the most important lessons I can give to teachers is to understand your district's policy on the use of social media. Many, like mine, have clauses if what you post personally effects the school environment, you can be disciplined up to and including termination.
Below I've embedded the Prezi I shared with teachers.
Great post and presentation! Many years ago I taught at Kensington in Georgetown. I love the name of the boat!