Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interested or Committed?

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Technology tools can be wonderful enhancements of the instructional planning process.  In fact that is as it should be…an enhancement of already carefully planned lessons.   Teachers that make up their mind to catch the fast train will prosper from the ride.  Those slow to get on board will not only arrive late, but may end up arriving without their luggage.  In other words, don’t wait…jump into the learning curve now.

Technology is not that scary, and can certainly make your life easier.  In the classroom, it takes a lot of planning to put together a great lesson, and then to integrate technology in the way of a Smart Board, or Promethean Board, Blogs, presentation tools, interactive websites, streaming video and the like…means that the work time before a lesson is even more involved.  However, the results possible for students, having learning opportunities using a variety of instructional strategies, and modalities will over time, make students more successful.

Here is when you ask yourself the question…Am I interested in technology or am I committed to using the tools that can propel me forward?  Just so you know…When you're interested in something, you do it as circumstances permit. When you're committed, you accept no excuses, and seek results.



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