Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Why Use Book Creator?

 Book Creator is a Free Tool that allows students to create eBooks as a part of their teacher's library.  The Books can stand alone of be combined with others from the class.  This is a great way to use student devices to integrate technology in a meaningful platform.  Using Book Creator stresses the important aspects of writing, creativity, design, communication and collaboration, It has students use a variety of digital skills to construct projects as outlined in the ISTE Standards: the Knowledge Constructor.

The Book creator teaches acclimates students to the art of presentation.

When students work together, they enrich learning experiences by collaborating with other in their own schools and outside the walls of their classrooms. Therefore becoming better Global Communicators.

We are a G Suite school district, and I love the way in syncs seamlessly with the tools we are already using.

 Teachers in all grade levels and across the entire curriculum, can use Book Creator:  ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, in the Fine Arts, Physical Education, in Special Education and in the Media Center.  It is limited only by your imagination and creativity.

Creating portfolios, notebooks, chapter by chapter books and other assignments, and exercising the literacy skills, the keyboard and mouse skills, Book Creator becomes a great tool for engaging students in worthwhile endeavors that enhance their learning in all areas.

I have introduced and used Book Creator to my Middle School Teachers in Georgetown County as a part of my role as an Instructional Technology Coach.  I have created and share my Book Creator Projects to teachers in my district.  I model student lesson and teach both teachers and students how to use Book Creator.  Two of my favorites were:  My How-To Book for Using Google Drawing, and My Book About FitnessGram.  I used text, pictures, voice inserts and videos in my presentations. I have introduced teachers to…and asked them to join Book Creator as a part of the Graduate Level Class I teach (EDPD 818-A60) for the Georgetown County School District in SC…via The College of Charleston in Charleston, SC.  The Book Creator was part of the assignments that our students (Teachers) had to utilize for a presentation/assignment. I have approximately 30 books in My Library for the Graduate Class alone.  

Check it out:
